Learning About Natural Pest Control

Learning About Natural Pest Control

  • Prepare Your Home For Winter To Keep Mice Out

    Mice and men aren't all that different! Both prefer to seek warmth when the temperature starts dropping. If your home is not properly prepared and sealed off against them, mice will move into your space during the fall and winter months. So how do you go about preparing your space to keep mice away this winter? In addition to working with an exterminator, there are other steps you can take.

  • Four Ways to Handle Termites That Keep Coming Back

    If your home suffers from termites that just keep coming back, you aren't alone. Termites can be difficult pests to get rid of completely, but the right treatment methods, consistent care, and awareness can help you keep problems to a minimum much more effectively. Know what Kind of Termite You're Fighting There are multiple kinds of termites, each with different ways of accessing your home. The most common type of termite is the subterranean termite, which create colonies underground and enter homes from below.

  • 4 Steps To Get Rid Of Silverfish Without Pesticides

    Long and slender with silver-colored bodies, silverfish are scary-looking insects that you really don't want to find in your home. No, they won't poison you or cause disease, but they do feed on anything starchy, including wallpaper and books so that they can cause extensive destruction in a short period of time. Luckily, you don't usually need to resort to pesticides to get rid of silverfish as long as you follow the four steps below.

  • Common Signs Termites Might Be Invading Your Family's Home

    In many places within the United States, termites are one of the biggest pest control problems homeowners must contend with. While honey bees or rodents are pests that aren't fun to have around your home, termites actually pose a serious danger to the structural integrity of your house. Termites eat the cellulose fibers in wood and your home looks like a massive buffet for termites looking for places to start new colonies.

  • Don't Let Their Looks Deceive You: Why You Need To Keep Mice Out Of Your House

    If you've discovered a mouse in your house, you need to act fast. Unfortunately, there's really no such thing as just having one mouse in your house. The mice found roaming through your home aren't like the domesticated ones you can purchase in the pet store. These mice can pose a serious threat to you, your family, and your home. Don't wait for the infestation. Here are three reasons why you need to contact an exterminator as soon as you find that first mouse.

  • About Me

    Learning About Natural Pest Control

    Hey everyone, my name is Silas. With two allergy prone children, I had to find natural ways to keep bugs from infiltrating our home. In this area, bugs tend to come into the house in droves as soon as the outdoor temperatures drop. When that happens, I'm forced to treat common areas to kill the bugs and keep them from growing in number. I want to share all of the natural pest control techniques I used to keep bugs out of our house. I will also talk about gentle commercial options available for heavy infestations. I hope you will visit my site on a regular basis to learn more.
